Copywriter, Editor, Media Producer

Freelance, 1997-present.
I have a reliable history of providing my clients with excellent copywriting, polished video production, and a variety of website development and content management skills. My current and former clients include:
- Juno4Me, Chicago (web development, copywriting, photography, videography and editing) 2018–present
- Ames Hawkins (videography) 2015
- Federal Defenders Program, Chicago (videography and editing) 2014
- Academic Writing Group: Hawkins, Borich, Bradford, Cappello, (webtext design) 2014
- American Health Information Management Association, Chicago (copywriting) 2014
- Cottage Car Sales, Crestwood (content management, social marketing) 2012
- Computers and Composition Digital Press, Columbus (blog development, copywriting) 2010
- Committee on Research, National CCCC Conference (videography and editing) 2010
- AFLAC, Louisville District Office (management & education practices) 2002-2003
- Samuel Austin Architects, Boulder (website design) 2002-2003
- Crystal Ski Shop, Boulder (website design) 2002-2003
- (copywriting quality assurance) 2002-2003
- The Mark Rossier Pottery, Longmont (website design, photography) 2001-2002
-, Oakland, CA. (copywriting) 2000
- iXL, Inc., Internet Development Company, Denver. (copywriting) 2000
- Office of the Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, Fargo. (manuscript layout and design) 1997